Wills – Basic Estate Planning Documents

All people need a basic estate plan. What is essential for you? In our opinion everyone needs a will, health care proxy, and power of attorney.


A Will is your simple instructions to tell the court who will get the assets you own after you die and who will ensure it gets done (your Executor). Without a Will, your assets will go to the people the State of New York dictates, which may not agree with what you would want. More importantly, if you do not have a Will, the state will dictate who is in control of your assets and the distribution process. Most people do “Sweetheart Wills”; everything to my wife or everything to my husband. A properly drawn Will should have “stand by” provisions for underage or disabled beneficiaries. Many people do not want underage beneficiaries to be receiving large sums of money on their 18th birthday which occurs in most simple Wills. Additionally, today many people are receiving some form of state or federal benefits to help pay for a disability they may have. Naming them as beneficiary in your Will could instantaneously disqualify them from those state and federal benefits they are receiving. A properly drawn Will should have a stand by Special Needs Trust so you can still leave your bequest to a disabled beneficiary without worrying about it disqualifying them from their state or federal aid. And lastly, for those who choose to pursue it, a Will can incorporate a trust at your death to set up protection of the assets for your family members you leave behind which would provide them use of the assets without making the assets available to their spouses in divorce, lawsuits, creditors, or nursing homes. Unfortunately, since the trust is in the will it will still need to go through probate to be created and will not be automatically created upon your death. Contact us to discover the different types of Wills and which is best for you.
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    What is an executor or personal representative and what do they do?
  • Who can challenge your will?
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  • What if someone objects to the will?
    What if someone objects to the will?
  • Your parent died with a will and disinherited you, can they do that?
    Your parent died with a will and disinherited you, can they do that?

Joint and Beneficiary Accounts

Health Care Proxy and Living Will

Personal Care Plan

Power of Attorney