Business Continuation Virtual Workshop
Our goal for 2017 is to provide you, our network of professionals, with value based content to help you grow your business.
Please join us Friday, January 27th at 2pm and learn ‘How to Protect Your Business in 3 Easy Steps’.
If you or your client believes:
- I’m incorporated (or LLC) so I’m safe
- I’ll put it all in my wife’s name
- I don’t need a Will
- My family knows what I want
- I have a Will (It leaves everything to my spouse and (s)he can take of everything)
- We want to treat the kids equally BUT one child is in the business?
Then you should attend this workshop to understand why your belief may not be enough to protect you and your business succession.
We will discuss:
- What LLCs and Corporations don’t protect
- How properly drawn trusts ensure your business survives you
- Why proper business succession planning is NOT legal
PLUS chat live during the webinar with two of our attorneys — Estate Planning Attorney Jennifer McDonnell will be available to answer your Estate Planning questions and Business Law Attorney, Katie Centolella from CGLaw, PC will be answering any business related questions.
Register for the virtual workshop using the form below
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