Posts Tagged Family Infighting

Family Feuds—When Heirs Fight Over Assets With Sentimental Value

Family Feuds—When Heirs Fight Over Assets With Sentimental Value

When we think about heirs fighting over assets, it is the big ticket items that typically come to mind, such as the family home, investments, bank accounts and the like. However, it is often items of sentimental value—a mother’s necklace, for example, or a father’s watch—that cause the most contention. This is particularly true in the case of blended families. Worse, battles over sentimental assets often lead to hard feelings that can last for years or even permanently sever relationships between family members. How can you prevent your heirs from fighting over items with sentimental value? Many people believe that a statement in a will or trust that basically says ‘tangible personal property should be divided as my heirs see fit’ will solve the problem. However, this can lead to a host of potential conflicts. A better approach is to put specific items that you believe are of interest to

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